Nosipho Mali

Nosipho Mali

Customer Experience Interviewer

The beginning of my CPL journey was like walking into uncharted territory because I was not sure what I was getting myself into. I soon realised coming from a customer service background how little I knew about the customer experience journey. The beginning was a rollercoaster ride because I was scared, I was not sure if I was even doing the right thing, and I must say the constant reassurance that I got from my colleagues truly kept me going, especially in times of confusion. During that journey of trying to learn there’s a moment where everything starts to click, where you start to understand what is expected of you, and from that point on it’s as if things start falling into place. Working for CPL has been very empowering, I came in with just a thought about what customer service might be but now I am exposed to a whole new world of customer experience. As an introvert, I was able to hone the skill of being able to challenge what someone says or probe further which was intimidating at first. I can confidently speak to people, and I realised that even when I’m having normal conversations with the people in my life, I pay attention to how I navigate those interactions, and I’m able to use that to introspect and improve myself. I also learned to be a little more disciplined and independent because there were so many things that I had to do on my own, for example, there is no IT department to rely on, so I had to be my own “IT guy”. It has been a great journey so far and I realise that I have grown significantly, now, I am a lot more confident in what I do, and I am in constant need of wanting to improve and polish up my skill a lot more.