Customer Experience In RETAIL Best Practices Report

Customer Experience In RETAIL Best Practices Report

Retail sector hard hit by the pandemic
Most businesses are struggling right now due to the economic impact of
Covid-19. The retail sector in particular, had to adjust to the safety precautions in-store and accelerate their online presence. With the second wave hitting this sector even harder, what were these challenges, and how can focusing on customer experience, help this sector to weather this storm?

Global collaboration of CX professionals

As a global CX Cares group of CX professionals, we strongly believe that focusing on customer experience holds the key to adjusting and recovery. We spoke to leaders in this sector across several countries to get a first-hand view of the challenges and best practices to help others in their efforts to sustain and grow their business, in these trying times.

The Global CX Cares group consists of 40 renowned customer experience
professionals from all over the world. During the first phase of the
pandemic, we came together and decided to raise awareness of the benefits
and relevance of customer experience, using our knowledge and expertise, to benefit organisations and people at a time of need. CX Wrappings Retail is our third global initiative.

Here are the results. Please share them with your colleagues and peers!

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