Customer Service Training – Get it right!

Customer Service Training – Get it right!

Mastering Customer Service Skills is an affordable, self-paced online training course and an absolute must-have for every SME looking to avoid the time and huge expense of outsourced customer training, but still achieve outstanding, customer-focused results for your frontline people who can make or break your business success. 

It’s the ideal confidence booster for every customer-facing person – sales executives, shop assistants, call center agents, waiters, concierges, small business owners – anyone who has a frontline role serving and engaging with customers in-person, online or over the phone.     

This is a course where the functional aspects of the job steps into the background for a while, and art and science of exceptional service move onto the centre stage to take your team and your business to the next level.  It’s short, sharp and to the point – delivered in 9 modules, all self-paced and online and completed in under 90 minutes. 

Book your course now, and find out more about what’s covered here:

For the month of May only, the course will be available at a special discounted rate of R199 – valid until 31 May 2023.

Get your customer service firmly on the front foot, consistently and make your business and service delivery every customer’s dream! 

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