Customers’ stories can direct your business recovery

Customers’ stories can direct your business recovery

Nowadays, the value of customer experience (CX) is discussed as an essential tool to recover the lost business during lockdown, or to adjust to a new normal. One of the most effective ways to navigate through the changes in consumer needs and behaviour, is to use #Customer feedback.

When given the opportunity to share stories in their own words, customers are prepared to give more of their time, to inform your business about their experience. They share what’s it’s like, what they need, expect or value. These valuable pieces of information can really help understand what works (meeting customers’ needs on a deeper level) and what does not, how expectations are changing and what should be the priority of change of your business strategy.

Organisations who see the value of the articulated actual experience (as it is, not pre-empted or pre-populated responses) and not merely drive satisfaction or loyalty indexes, can unlock the power of authentic feedback. They can plan better, and invest in changes that matter to their customers.

We often get asked why we continue to interact with customers telephonically to understand their experience, rather use scalable digital platforms. Although there is a place for a variety of methods to get feedback, we believe the real value happens when: customers feel heard, they can contribute to the success of a brand, get access to the the right people who can help them to solve their problems.

Would you like to grow your business through these challenging times? Use your customers’ feedback to direct the changes you need to make. Contact us at [email protected] for support to maximise your customer feedback progamme.

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